2018 Review

It's the Crypto Network, Stupid
A simple lesson from the 2018 bearish crypto market: We are better together, argued Ian Simpson of the Crypto Valley Association.

groups, engage
The Cost of Not Engaging Regulators
Regulators are going to regulate the digital asset space with or without the participation of the people and businesses in it.
groups, engage

eggs, gold
12 Markets Crypto Decentralization Can Actually Improve
What do virtual real estate and distributed computing have in common? They're both markets where P2P networks can improve efficiencies.
eggs, gold

clock, parts, time
2019: The Year Blockchain Begins Finance's Great Unbundling
There will be opportunities for smart blockchain companies that can find their niche in the coming unbundling, says Ripple's Asheesh Birla.
clock, parts, time

hard, hat, build
Building for Bulls, Bears and the Crypto Revolution
The crypto revolution won't happen overnight – and it won't happen without pragmatism.
hard, hat, build

gold, egg, crypto
Asset-Backed Securities: Entering the Crypto Conversation in 2019
There's a growing consensus that DLT supports the credit sector's digital transformation goals, says Charlie Moore of Global Debt Registry.
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3 Conflicts That Will Shape Blockchain Tech in 2019
Three areas of conflict are taking shape in the crypto space and 2019 will see them unleashed in full force, says MintBit's Arwen Smit.
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Crypto Is Down, So Why Am I Smiling?
One of the cryptographers most often cited in Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper has reason to think the industry's future is bright.
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It's Time for Local Governments to Break Blockchain's Regulatory Gridlock
How a South Korean governor is moving fast on blockchain, despite a slow national legislature.
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plugs, cords, power
So Long to the Clutter: A Cooling Crypto Market Will Bring Change We Need
Free from distractions, blockchain builders can – and must – now focus on using the technology to enable positive societal change.
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