Marc Andreessen

Bitcoin and globe
Is Bitcoin Really the Next Internet?
How alike are bitcoin and the Internet, and what conclusions can we draw from the comparison?
Bitcoin and globe

Marc Andreessen, Balaji Srinivasan, Kashmir Hill
Andreessen at CoinSummit: Bitcoin Today is the Internet in 1994
Marc Andreessen spoke today at CoinSummit about the potential he sees in bitcoin.
Marc Andreessen, Balaji Srinivasan, Kashmir Hill

Optimism Grows as Mt. Gox Chapter Ends and Bitcoin Turns the Page
Bitcoin's best and brightest are viewing the Mt. Gox debacle as a speed bump that won't slow bitcoin down.

CoinSummit San Francisco Adds Marc Andreessen as Keynote Speaker
CoinSummit also revealed details about its StartUp Showcase, which will spotlight 10 Series A businesses pitching for investor funding.

Bitcoin Price Resilient as Antonopoulos, Andreessen Weigh in on Mt. Gox Debacle
While Andreas Antonopoulos is pessimistic on Mt. Gox, others see the light for bitcoin as a whole.

Marc Andreessen Predicts Bitcoin Will Change Chip Design Forever
Silicon Valley venture capitalist Marc Andreessen believes digital currencies will transform the way we design processors.

growing investment
The Implications of Bitcoin: Money Without Government
Investing in bitcoin companies is fraught with contradictions, so it's imperative to remain astute about the political landscape.
growing investment

Marc Andreessen Explains Why 2014 Will be the Year of Bitcoin
The co-founder of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz sees enormous potential in digital currencies like bitcoin.