Peter Schiff

Gold Bug Peter Schiff Says He Wishes He'd Bought Bitcoin in 2010
The American stockbroker has repeatedly called bitcoin a “bubble” and said he still doesn’t believe in its long-term future.

Elon Musk vs. Peter Schiff Over Tesla's Bitcoin Buy Results, With an Eggplant Emoji
Elon Musk vs. Peter Schiff Over Tesla’s Bitcoin Buy Results, With an Eggplant Emoji
“The Hash” panel unpacks the recent Twitter spat between long-time bitcoin skeptic Peter Schiff and Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
Elon Musk vs. Peter Schiff Over Tesla's Bitcoin Buy Results, With an Eggplant Emoji

Peter Schiff
Bitcoin Critic Peter Schiff's Bank Under Spotlight in Global Tax Probe
A Puerto Rico-based bank founded by long-time bitcoin skeptic Peter Schiff is under investigation over suspicions it facilitated tax evasion.
Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff, Erik Voorhees and Gene Epstein
Voorhees vs Schiff: Bull Meets Bear at NY Bitcoin Debate
Bitcoin will eventually come to replace government-backed fiat currencies, Shapeshift CEO Erik Voorhees argued at a debate Monday.
Peter Schiff, Erik Voorhees and Gene Epstein

Peter Schiff
Bitcoin Bear Peter Schiff Doubles Down: Even at $4,000 It's Still a 'Bubble'
One of bitcoin's most notorious bears still isn't convinced bitcoin will work – even despite its record price run.
Peter Schiff