
Bitcoin's Unlimited Potential Lies in Its Apolitical Core
As bitcoin descends into party politics, contributor Nozomi Hayase makes an appeal for the community to unite behind its original ideals.

Nobody Understands Bitcoin (And That's OK)
Does anyone understand bitcoin? This multifaceted technology is different things to different people, and we should accept that, argues Jameson Lopp.

popularity, strong
Why Blockchain Will Trump Populism
Jens Albers examines how he believes the rise of populism in politics could be undone by blockchain technology.
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baby, steps
A Slow Awakening: 2016 in US Blockchain Policy
CoinDesk examines the developments (or lack thereof) that shaped the year in US blockchain regulation.
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chess, king
Making Sense of Blockchain Governance Applications
Ledger Labs' Josh Stark seeks to provide a high-level framework for understanding the potential of nascent blockchain governance applications.
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washington, capitol
Trump Election Casts Uncertain Shadow on US Blockchain Policy
Leading blockchain policy groups weigh in on what a Trump victory means for the emerging technology and its startup community.
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Veteran Bitcoin Legal Strategist Joins Firm Hosting Trump Transition Meetings
Veteran bitcoin lawyer Carol Van Cleef has officially joined Baker Hostetler, a law firm that will oversee President-elect Trump's transition.

Trumpchain Revealed: The Man Behind the Blockchain Parody
CoinDesk gives a short spotlight to the man behind a popular blockchain Twitter account that could be coming to a close with the US election.

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Bitcoin Traders Believe Trump Win Could Trigger Price Boost
Market observers offer their views on how the US presidential election could impact digital currency markets.
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clinton, politics
Making Sense of Hillary Clinton's Bitcoin Rejection
Hillary Clinton's decision not to accept bitcoin speaks to the current legal environment surrounding the technology, analysts say.
clinton, politics