
hacker hands
Hacker Returns 225 BTC Taken from Blockchain Wallets
A 'white-hat' hacker who was able to take 255 BTC from Blockchain users' wallets following a security flaw earlier this week has returned the funds.
hacker hands

business, danger
Blockchain Addresses Security Controversy: 'We Need to Do Better'
Executives from Coinbase and Blockchain got into an online sparring match recently, in a debate that was about more than security.
business, danger

Bitcoin Foundation Hires Developer Sergio Lerner for Full-Time Security Role
The Bitcoin Foundation has hired developer Sergio Lerner as its new bitcoin core security auditor.

How bitcoin companies keep your funds safe
How Bitcoin Companies Keep Your Funds Safe
Bitcoin companies are attractive targets for hackers, so how do they protect your hard-earned coins?
How bitcoin companies keep your funds safe

fingerprint lock bitcoin security
HyprKey Introduces Fingerprint Scanning to Secure Bitcoin Transactions
HyprKey uses fingerprint validation to create a three-factor authentication to bitcoin transactions in hopes of eliminating fraud once and for all.
fingerprint lock bitcoin security

Digital key
Coinbase's New Multisig Vault Gives Users Control Over Keys
Coinbase has added multisig options to its Vault accounts, giving advanced users more control over their own security.
Digital key

Why 20 Bitcoin Companies Are Backing a New Deal for Digital Identity
Twenty bitcoin businesses have announced support for The Windhover Principles, which aim to reframe the debate around privacy and security.

Open-Source Tool Identifies Weak Bitcoin Wallet Signatures
The developer behind a Heartbleed vulnerability checker has developed a new tool that tracks down poorly secured bitcoin transactions.

Hackers Hijack Retailers' Showroom PCs for Cryptocurrency Mining
Dutch hackers have started hijacking laptops showcased in retail stores and using them to mine bitcoin.

software bug
'Bash Bug' a Concern, But Little Threat to Bitcoin Services
Yesterday's discovery of the 'Bash Bug' affecting UNIX systems has security experts worried, but bitcoin developers are less concerned.
software bug