Token Economy

Exchange Volumes May Be Fake, But Bitcoin's Value Is Real
More than a critique of price manipulation rife across bitcoin markets, the Bitwise report shows cryptocurrencies' potential.

What Coinbase Needs to Learn from the Neutrino Scandal
Once you have to trust someone, it really does matter who they are, as Coinbase's recent PR debacle illustrates.

Torch image via Shutterstock
Will Crypto Torch Jamie Dimon?
The $156 in bitcoin being passed via the "Lighting Torch" is a bigger deal than trillions in JPM Coins would be, writes Michael J. Casey.
Torch image via Shutterstock

ethereum, coins
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Is Forming a ‘Token Task Force’
The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance is forming a task force to create business-grade standards for tokenized assets.
ethereum, coins

The Fallacy That Blockchain Is Stuck in One Place
Blockchain skeptics wrongly assume that the technology is in stasis, writes Michael J. Casey.

The Crypto-Surveillance Capitalism Connection
If blockchain is to be a force for good, rather than a vehicle of subjugation, advocates must contend with the backlash against Big Tech.

Don't Throw the Crypto Tokens Out With the Bathwater
We’re at a point where any idea associated with tokens struggles for legitimacy and money. It would be a shame if we ditched token economics altogether.

ethereum, art
Proof-of-Stake Could Lead to Crypto Banking. Let's Avoid That
"Staking as a service" is taking off. We need to think hard about what this means for crypto's evolution, warns Michael J. Casey.
ethereum, art

Crypto Is Far From Dead, as These Scaling Projects Show
Far from seeing the death of crypto, we may be entering its most exciting phase, argues Michael J. Casey.

Bitcoin mining facility via CoinDesk archives
Vertcoin’s Struggle Is Real: Why the Latest Crypto 51% Attack Matters
Despite the devastating 51 percent attack on Vertcoin, ASIC-resistance is a goal worth fighting for.
Bitcoin mining facility via CoinDesk archives