Alyssa Hertig

Alyssa Hertig

A contributing tech reporter at CoinDesk, Alyssa Hertig is a programmer and journalist specializing in Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Over the years, her work has also appeared in VICE, Mic and Reason. She's currently writing a book exploring the ins and outs of Bitcoin governance. Alyssa owns some BTC.



Bitcoin mining equipment
What Does Hashrate Mean and Why Does It Matter?
Miners must compete using their machines to solve a difficult mathematical problem.
Bitcoin mining equipment
Bitcoin Core Lead Maintainer Steps Back, Encourages Decentralization
"One thing is clear: This is a serious project now, and we need to start taking decentralization seriously," said Wladimir van der Laan.
PeopleImages/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Trading Bitcoin in Africa Is a Way for Some to Escape Poverty
Learning to trade bitcoin has become a valuable skill set for Africans looking to boost their income.
PeopleImages/iStock/Getty Images Plus
All Major Mining Pools Now Support Taproot, Bitcoin's Biggest Upgrade in Years
Binance Pool represents 11% of Bitcoin’s mining hashrate. Adding it to the “yes” column pushes mining pool support for Taproot to about 91%.
Stepan Vrany/Unsplash
Statechains Scaling Solution Offers New Potential for Bitcoin Privacy
Statechains offer another way to scale bitcoin payments and could boost privacy as well.
Stepan Vrany/Unsplash
What Is a Blockchain Oracle?
An oracle sends data from the outside world to a blockchain so specific data, like temperature, can execute the disbursement of money.
Bitcoin's proof-of-work algorithm is why it requires so much power and equipment.
What Is Proof-of-Work?
Proof-of-work is the blockchain-based algorithm that secures many cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Bitcoin's proof-of-work algorithm is why it requires so much power and equipment.
A completed RaspiBlitz node
Becoming Self-Sovereign: How to Set Up a Bitcoin Node, With Lightning
Setting up a RaspiBlitz Bitcoin node (with Lightning!) is an easy way to become self-sovereign and support the Bitcoin ecosystem.
A completed RaspiBlitz node
First CoinSwap Test Could Herald an Era of Stronger Bitcoin Privacy
"A big day for bitcoin privacy," said developer Chris Belcher as he announced a test transaction implementing a promising privacy technology invented years ago
The Federal Reserve Building in Washington, D.C.
What Is a CBDC?
A CBDC is a digital currency that is issued by a government and are usually a tokenized form of the country’s fiat currency.
The Federal Reserve Building in Washington, D.C.