Big Tech

The bill, proposing Suspicious Transmission Activity Reports from tech platforms, has bipartisan support.
US Senate Bill Re-Introduces Suspicious Activity Reports for Social Media
The bill would create “suspicious transmission activity reports” for tech platforms.
The bill, proposing Suspicious Transmission Activity Reports from tech platforms, has bipartisan support.

Cory Doctorow: The Monopoly Web Is Already Here
The science fiction writer on how monopolies came to dominate today's economy and why the orthodoxy of tech criticism is wrong.

What It Means if Companies Like Twitter Are 'Systemically Important' to Financial Regulators
NYDFS proposals following the Twitter hack are a warning to everyone using centrally controlled "designated" platforms.

What Happens if Big Tech Only Gets Bigger?
Amy Webb, a quantitative futurist, thinks Big Tech is only going to get bigger and more powerful.

(BP Miller/Unsplash)
Zephyr Teachout: Take Back the Economy From Economists
Law professor Zephyr Teachout discusses the recent antitrust hearings, how power impacts privacy and the "parallel governments" that Big Tech has created.
(BP Miller/Unsplash)

Public Opinion Shifts on Big Tech and Privacy During Pandemic
In good news for contact tracing, attitudes to big tech companies are softening. But the shift may not be good for "privacy tech."