
Via Shutterstock
Research: Federal Reserve Needs Power Over Bitcoin
A new research paper explores how central banks could seek to proactively regulate digital currency markets to avoid future crises.
Via Shutterstock

Forget Gold, Bitcoin is Backed by Time
Travis Patron argues that bitcoin is an intrinsically valuable form of money because it is regulated through time-bound algorithms.

John Nash
Did Mathematician John Nash Help Invent Bitcoin?
Digital money researcher Travis Patron explains why the late American mathematician John Nash may have influenced the creation of bitcoin.
John Nash

mind cogs think
Volatility, Deflation and Manipulation: A Response to Bitcoin's Critics
Criticisms from bitcoin pundits in the press almost always boil down to a few common misconceptions, argues Jon Matonis.
mind cogs think

VoidSpace Aims To Let Gamers Mine Dogecoin – With Lasers
An indie game developer hopes to marry gaming economies and cryptocurrencies. But he needs dollars first.

Economics analysis
Why the OECD Needs to do its Homework on Bitcoin
A recently published working paper grossly misunderstood the economic nature of bitcoin, says the Bitcoin Foundation's Jon Matonis.
Economics analysis

reserve federal
US Federal Reserve Official Says He's Interested in Bitcoin Technology
Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Narayana Kocherlakota addressed bitcoin during a town hall meeting today.
reserve federal

stock watch
Why Bitcoin is Fated for Boom and Bust
As human beings, we may not be able to prevent it due to its emotionally-charged discourse.
stock watch

kremlin moscow russia
Fear of Russian Ban Caused Bitcoin Moscow Conference Cancellation
Russia’s bitcoin “ban” threw digital currency enthusiasts to a point of canceling a conference, but confidence remains.
kremlin moscow russia

Choosing bitcoin
Forget Bitcoin vs Fiat, Welcome the Hybrid Economy
Circle's Sean Neville contemplates a moderate take on the future of finance, one where bitcoin and fiat co-exist.
Choosing bitcoin