
Web Hygiene 101: The Data Trail You're Leaving Behind and How To Clean It Up
Web Hygiene 101: The Data Trail You’re Leaving Behind and How to Clean It Up
Do you know how much data you’re leaving behind with just a simple Google search? And do you know who’s scraping up that data and making loads of money selling it to advertise...
Web Hygiene 101: The Data Trail You're Leaving Behind and How To Clean It Up

Build Your Own Consensus Message Board Powered by Lightning
Build Your Own Consensus Message Board Powered by Lightning
Rui Gomes of OpenNode directs a workshop dedicated to spinning up a message-board powered by Bitcoin’s Lightning network. Over the course of 45 minutes, Gomes builds a messagi...
Build Your Own Consensus Message Board Powered by Lightning

Mad Mesh: Sending Messages and Bitcoin When the World is On Fire
Mad Mesh: Sending Messages and Bitcoin When the World Is on Fire
Richard Myers of GoTenna teaches his audience how to build a decentralized telecommunications network using Bitcoin. The TxTenna protocol he and his team have been developing...
Mad Mesh: Sending Messages and Bitcoin When the World is On Fire

Bitcoin 101: Why You Should (Maybe) Buy Bitcoin and How
Bitcoin 101: Why You Should (Maybe) Buy Bitcoin and How
Have you been dealing with bitcoin FOMO for the past 10 years? In this workshop, expert speakers explain why bitcoin might be a great investment – for some – as well as how to...
Bitcoin 101: Why You Should (Maybe) Buy Bitcoin and How

Yves Mersch on Central Bank Digital Currencies
Yves Mersch on Central Bank Digital Currencies
Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank Yves Mersch joined Consensus: Distributed to outline a potential ECB central bank digital currency. Around 80% of ce...
Yves Mersch on Central Bank Digital Currencies

Gavin Wood on Chain Mergers and Acquisitions
Gavin Wood on Chain Mergers and Acquisitions
In this video, Woods discusses the progression of blockchain technology from currency oriented tools to political – or “general decision-making” – machines, as well as the tec...
Gavin Wood on Chain Mergers and Acquisitions