Jack Dorsey

CoinDesk - Unknown
'Hell No': Jack Dorsey Says Twitter Won't Be Joining Libra Association
The private Libra project is not in line with what Dorsey wants Twitter to stand for, the CEO (and bitcoin supporter) said.
CoinDesk - Unknown

Jack Dorsey speaks at Consensus 2018
Jack Dorsey: Mass Crypto Adoption Will Transform Square's Business
As crypto becomes more widely used, Square will transition to providing a broader range of “internet services” rather than just fintech, Jack Dorsey predicted.
Jack Dorsey speaks at Consensus 2018

Jack Dorsey image via CoinDesk archives
Jack Dorsey Hints at How Square Crypto May Support Bitcoin's Code
Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey has revealed more details about the role Square Crypto might play in boosting bitcoin development.
Jack Dorsey image via CoinDesk archives

Jack Dorsey speaks at Consensus 2018
Why Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey Are Warming to Blockchain
The winds of change are coming to the centralized systems of the Internet, according to author Michael Casey.
Jack Dorsey speaks at Consensus 2018

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (U.S. House of Representatives)
Square Is Hiring New Crypto Engineers — And It Wants to Pay Them in Bitcoin
Payments startup Square wants to bring on crypto-focused engineers and designers, and may pay them in bitcoin.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (U.S. House of Representatives)

Jack Dorsey speaks at Consensus 2018
Square CEO Jack Dorsey Says Bitcoin's Lightning Is Coming to Cash App
Lightning Network projects are booming, thanks in part to the buzz surrounding bitcoin bull Jack Dorsey.
Jack Dorsey speaks at Consensus 2018

Twitter Is Thinking Over Blockchain Technology, CEO Jack Dorsey Tells Congress
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey told a Congressional committee Wednesday that the social media company is exploring blockchain solutions for its platform.

Jack Dorsey Hopes Bitcoin Will Become Web's 'Native Currency'
Is bitcoin destined to become the default currency of the Internet? Square's Jack Dorsey hopes so.

Bitcoin Will Be World's 'Single Currency' Says Twitter CEO
Jack Dorsey has said he believes bitcoin will take over the U.S. dollar as the world's primary currency in 10 years or less.

copper, cable
Lightning Labs Launches Beta With Twitter CEO Backing
Big investors are lining up to back the startup behind the most advanced implementation of bitcoin's in-development Lightning Network.
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