North Korea

Ari Redbord (TRM Labs)
North Korea Was Responsible for Over $600M in Crypto Thefts Last Year: TRM Labs
U.S. national security officials have raised concerns about North Korea's use of stolen crypto to develop nuclear weapons.
Ari Redbord (TRM Labs)

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (left), South Korea's National Security Advisor Cho Tae-yong and Japan's National Security Advisor Takeo Akiba (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)
U.S., South Korea, Japan Discuss North Korean Crypto Thefts in Trilateral Meeting
North Korea has stolen billions of dollars' worth of crypto in support of its nuclear and ballistic missile programs,
U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (left), South Korea's National Security Advisor Cho Tae-yong and Japan's National Security Advisor Takeo Akiba (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)

U.S. Treasury Sanctions Crypto Mixer on North Korea Allegations as FBI, Dutch and Finnish Police Seize Website
U.S. Treasury Sanctions Crypto Mixer on North Korea Allegations as FBI, Dutch and Finnish Police Seize Website
The U.S. Treasury Department has blocked, a crypto mixing service, from the global dollar financial system on allegations it supported transactions tied to North Kor...
U.S. Treasury Sanctions Crypto Mixer on North Korea Allegations as FBI, Dutch and Finnish Police Seize Website

Computer Hacking Hackers (Shutterstock)
North Korean Hackers Lazarus Group Stolen $3B in Cryptocurrency
The hacker group stole the funds over the last six years, which was likely used to fund the country's projects, a report said.
Computer Hacking Hackers (Shutterstock)

Tornado Cash Trading Volumes Plunged After U.S. Sanctions: TRM Labs
Tornado Cash Trading Volumes Plunged After U.S. Sanctions: TRM Labs
Overall usage of crypto mixer Tornado Cash dropped 90% following U.S. sanctions, a new report from blockchain analytics firm TRM Labs shows. The U.S. Department of Justice has...
Tornado Cash Trading Volumes Plunged After U.S. Sanctions: TRM Labs

Tornado Cash website and Discord taken offline (Nikolas Noonan/Unsplash)
Tornado Cash Trading Volumes Nosedived 90% After U.S. Sanctions
While North Korean hackers have mostly moved to other Bitcoin mixers, some illicit use of Tornado Cash continues, a report from TRM Labs says.
Tornado Cash website and Discord taken offline (Nikolas Noonan/Unsplash)

North Korean Hackers Stole $41 Million From Crypto Gambling Site, FBI Says
North Korean Hackers Stole $41 Million From Crypto Gambling Site, FBI Says
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the North Korea-linked hacker collective Lazarus Group was behind this month’s hack of crypto casino and betting platform Sta...
North Korean Hackers Stole $41 Million From Crypto Gambling Site, FBI Says

North Korean head Kim Jong-Un (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)
North Korea's 'Lazarus' Hackers Stole $41 Million From Crypto Gambling Site, FBI Says
Github warned in July that DPRK hackers were targeting crypto and gambling sites.
North Korean head Kim Jong-Un (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)

Tornado Cash Developer Roman Storm Pleads Not Guilty to Money Laundering, Other Charges
Prosecutors allege that Storm and fellow developers Roman Semenov and Alexey Pertsev helped bad actors launder over $1 billion in stolen crypto.