
Telegram Offers $200k in Bitcoin for Cracking its Encrypted Messages
Telegram is offering a $200,000 prize in bitcoin to anyone who manages to beat its encryption protocol.

Russia's Biggest Search Engine Launches Bitcoin Conversion Tool
Russian search engine Yandex has added a tool that enables users to track the price of bitcoin.

vodka shots
Russian Bar Franchise Killfish Will Take Your Bitcoin For Vodka
Russian bar-goers can now pay for their vodka with bitcoin as popular bar franchise starts accepting the digital currency.
vodka shots

CEO of Russian Sberbank 'Endorses Virtual Currencies'
The head of Russia's largest bank reportedly endorsed virtual currencies this week.

subway shop
Subway sandwich shop in Russia now accepting bitcoin payments
In Russia and fancy a Subway? You can now use bitcoin to pay for it, and get 10% off.
subway shop