
(Unsplash/Dan Cristian Pădureț)
ZkSync Developer Releases Toolkit for Building Ethereum Rollups
The toolkit will make it easier for crypto developers to spin up fast and cheap blockchains powered by zero-knowledge proofs, one of this year’s hottest technologies in the di...
(Unsplash/Dan Cristian Pădureț)

Mihailo Bjelic has proposed turning the Polygon POS chain into a zkEVM validium. (Polygon)
Polygon Proposes POS Chain To Become ZK Compatible
In a pre-proposal discussion post, Polygon co-founder Mihailo Bjelic argues why the mainchain should go through a major upgrade.
Mihailo Bjelic has proposed turning the Polygon POS chain into a zkEVM validium. (Polygon)

Josh Lehman, executive director, Urbit Foundation, spoke at Consensus 2023 in Austin, Texas, in April. (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)
Urbit, a Network Older and Weirder Than Bitcoin, Finally Turns Toward Growth
The peer-to-peer network started in 2002 says it's taking on "MEGACORP," much in the same vein as many blockchain networks. A bit more fun are the "secret code names" that use...
Josh Lehman, executive director, Urbit Foundation, spoke at Consensus 2023 in Austin, Texas, in April. (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)

James Tromans, Director Web3 Product and Engineering, Google Cloud, Brendan Farmer, Co-Founder, Polygon and Zack Seward, Contributing Editor-at-Large, CoinDesk (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)
Google Cloud to Help Accelerate Polygon's Growth Via New Agreement
The tech giant will be "strategic cloud provider" for Polygon protocols.
James Tromans, Director Web3 Product and Engineering, Google Cloud, Brendan Farmer, Co-Founder, Polygon and Zack Seward, Contributing Editor-at-Large, CoinDesk (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)

(Creative Commons, modified by CoinDesk)
How the Hunt for Yet-to-Exist Tokens Is Shaping Ethereum’s Layer 2 Landscape
Token airdrops – and the prospect of them – have become the default customer acquisition strategy for Ethereum's layer 2 scaling projects. But is this strategy sustainable?
(Creative Commons, modified by CoinDesk)

Polygon Co-Founder Explains zkEVM
Polygon Co-Founder Explains zkEVM
Polygon, an Ethereum scaling platform, released its zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) beta to the public last week. Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal explains w...
Polygon Co-Founder Explains zkEVM

Polygon ZkEVM Mainnet Beta Goes Live; Ethereum’s Buterin Sends First Transaction
Polygon ZkEVM Mainnet Beta Goes Live; Ethereum’s Buterin Sends First Transaction
Ethereum scaling platform Polygon released its zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) beta to the public, and Ethereum blockchain's co-founder Vitalik Buterin was gra...
Polygon ZkEVM Mainnet Beta Goes Live; Ethereum’s Buterin Sends First Transaction

(DALL-E, modified by CoinDesk)
ConsenSys Launches zkEVM Public Testnet, Renames It ‘Linea’
The release comes in the days after competitors, Polygon and Matter Labs, came out with their own zkEVMs.
(DALL-E, modified by CoinDesk)

Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)
Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta Goes Live; Ethereum’s Buterin Sends First Transaction
The release of Polygon’s zkEVM comes just days after competitor Matter Labs released its own zkEVM, zkSync Era.
Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)

There's no zkSync airdrop yet, but lots of people are talking about it. (Pexel/Pixabay)
Matter Labs Has No Plans for zkSync Era Airdrop, But Crypto Twitter Is Speculating
Based on the precedent set by many crypto projects, the speculation over a possible zkSync airdrop isn’t totally unfounded.
There's no zkSync airdrop yet, but lots of people are talking about it. (Pexel/Pixabay)