May 7, 2024

"CoinDesk Daily" host Jennifer Sanasie breaks down the biggest headlines impacting the crypto industry today, as Binance CEO Richard Teng called on the Nigerian government to release Tigran Gambaryan, who flew to the country in February for talks on regulatory supervision. Plus, a research report from KBW says Robinhood would likely win a court case with the SEC given its conservative approach to digital asset listings. And, Singapore-based Web3 platform Galaxis raised $10 million ahead of its token launch.

Video transcript

B CEO says Nigeria is setting a dangerous precedent and an NFT company raises $10 million. You're watching Coin Desk daily. I'm your host, Jen Sani Ceo Richard T has called on Nigeria to release the executive who has been held for 70 days. Timr Gambian, head of the crypto Exchange Financial Crime compliance team was detained with his colleague after flying to the country for talks on regulatory supervision. The New York Times reported that during a visit in January, Gambian was asked by someone in the Nigerian government for a bribe amounting to roughly 100 and $50 million in crypto, citing five people familiar with the matter and messages it reviewed in a blog post. Tang wrote quote. I also feel that it's time to speak out about this issue on behalf of the global business community to invite a company's mid-level employees for collaborative policy meetings only to detain them has set a dangerous new precedent for all companies worldwide. End quote. A report from KBW says the SEC issuing a wells notice to Robin Hood is surprising given the company's very conservative approach to digital asset listings. The research report noted that Robin Hood only offers 15 crypto on its US platform. While some of its peers offer more than 200 digital assets analyst Kyle Voight wrote, quote, we expect no change to Hood's current US crypto operations or asset listings and expect the SEC to bring forward a suit within the coming months. And quote, the authors added that Robin Hood has a higher likelihood to fight the SEC in court and win than most of its us competitors. And Singapore based Web three platform, Galaxy has raised $10 million from funders including Link Ethereum name service and Tau ventures. The platform that helps creators introduce NFTS to their audiences has worked with celebrities including Steve Aoki and Val Kilmer and has sold more than 225,000 NFTS co founder and Ceo Andris Christoph said that as a post hype NFT platform, the company believes the use of this new technology will go beyond the hype and be of real value to all industries beyond web three. That's it for coin desk daily, get more updates on coin and we'll see you next time.

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