Oct 10, 2023

CoinGlass data shows crypto traders suffered over $100 million of losses from liquidations following the unprecedented Hamas attack on Israel. First Mover host Lawrence Lewitinn and CoinDesk's chief content officer Michael J. Casey discuss what is happening in the crypto markets.

Video transcript

The chart of the day is brought to you by crypto dot com. The world's fastest growing crypto app coin glass data shows crypto traders suffered over $100 million of losses from liquidations following the unprecedented Hamas attacks on Israel Lawrence, looking at markets. Um What's your take on that? Like? Is this a warning sign? You know, could those numbers? Yeah, this is a $100 million is, is, is a lot but it's not anywhere near some of the liquidations we've had in the past. And, and we have to recognize the idea that while volumes are up, was it like 15, some odd percent over the past week? Uh compared to the previous week, we're coming off of five if not 10 year lows in in transaction volumes. And the like of big in the likes of Bitcoin crypto winter is not necessarily just about prices falling in many ways. It's about the the uh collapse in this case of volume.

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