Jun 18, 2024

CoinFund President Chris Perkins discusses the role of crypto in the upcoming U.S. Presidential election and the convergence between politics and the crypto industry.

Video transcript

Technology is not political, it's just technology. But when you're running into razor thin election margins, everything becomes political. And I think the light bulb is finally gone on on both sides of the aisle. And, you know, DC G put out a really interesting report that talked about how voters in swing states and, and like, remember our election process is very unique. The election really for the president is going to come down to a handful of states. And if crypto is important in those states, they crypto natives can swing the election. Um That's just how it is. And so we're seeing, um I think what we've hoped for all along and that both sides of the aisle are saying, well, wait a second, we need to pay attention to this because from an American perspective, we've always prided ourselves in innovation and, and lead leadership in technology. And it's simply un American to look backwards and to try to suppress these things.

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