Sep 8, 2023

Google Trends' values for the worldwide search query "cryptocurrency" over the past 10 years declined this week, seeing its lowest level in roughly three years. This implies dwindling general interest in digital assets. CoinDesk's Jennifer Sanasie presents "The Chart of the Day."

Video transcript

The chart of the day is brought to you by crypto dot com. The world's fastest growing crypto app. All right, let's take a look at the chart of the day. Mainstream interest in the crypto markets is winning more than ever. That's according to Google trends. This chart shows Google trends values for the worldwide search query Cryptocurrency over the past 10 years, Google trends is widely used to gauge general or retail interest in trending topics. Low values have historically marked bear market bottoms while values near 100 have signaled bull market peaks, the value has declined to eight this week, the lowest in at least three years implying dwindling general interest in digital assets. This comes amid a continuing sour mood in the broader digital asset space. With Bitcoin currently trading over 60% lower than all time high prices of around $68,950 which were reached in November 2021. That's a wrap for our chart of the day. We hope you have a great weekend. We'll see you next time to unpack more of the data behind top news stories

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