Justin S. Wales

Justin S. Wales

Justin Wales is the head of legal for the Americas at Crypto.com. He is the author of "The Crypto Legal Handbook: A Guide to the Laws of Crypto, Web3, and the Decentralized World" (available at www.thecryptolegalhandbook.com)



International standards setters have set global guidelines for stablecoin regulations (Tingey Injury Law Firm/ Unsplash)
Shouldn't All These Crypto Lawyers Start Learning About Crypto?
The industry should expect its legal experts to effectively articulate how these innovative technologies are driving changes in how we understand money, privacy and governance...
International standards setters have set global guidelines for stablecoin regulations (Tingey Injury Law Firm/ Unsplash)
Justin Wales
You Say You Want a Bitcoin Revolution
The way the Beatles revolution was corporatized has lessons for Bitcoin's future. It needs to remain true to its roots.
Justin Wales
(Mermu Lucio/Flickr)
Why Bitcoin Is Protected by the First Amendment
Bitcoin's role as a communications and associative network - not just a financial network - means it deserves constitutional protection.
(Mermu Lucio/Flickr)
florida, state
Bitcoin Has a Florida Problem
Jurisdictions that lack clear guidance or take a hostile view of blockchain and crypto hurt the industry. Florida is doing both.
florida, state