
Credit: Shutterstock
The Vertcoin Cryptocurrency Just Got 51% Attacked – Again
Vertcoin, a crypto project that sets out to keep mining power decentralized, has suffered its second 51-percent attack in a year.
Credit: Shutterstock

Bitcoin mining farm (Shutterstock)
Crypto Needs More Than Code to Beat the ASIC Mining Threat
Defending cryptocurrencies against the centralizing forces of ASIC mining chips requires more than coding fixes; human governance is also critical.
Bitcoin mining farm (Shutterstock)

Circular saw
Vertcoin Clocks Record High Ahead of Reward Reduction
The lesser-known cryptocurrency vertcoin is trading at a record high – and upcoming changes to its underlying economics may hint at why.
Circular saw

CoinDesk - Unknown
Cross Blockchain Trades? Lightning Gives New Life to Atomic Swaps
Opening the doors to a new form of decentralized trading, atomic swaps could replace centralized exchanges almost entirely.
CoinDesk - Unknown

All Things Alt: McShibe Burgers, E-Sports Currencies and a Game of Coins
New alts square off to take a lead role in e-sports betting as McDonald's UK debates the McShibe.

All Things Alt: StartCOIN's Crowdfunding Twist, World Cup Fever and Vertcoin's Stealth Move
The altcoin community celebrates the FIFA World Cup, while StartCOIN brings a new, decentralized twist to crowdfunding.

All Things Alt: Vertcoin Gets Hot, a Bitcoin-Backed Coin and a Crypto Confession
A hot sauce maker has a new altcoin product while a new coin seeks to absolve your sins.